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We love the mountains and want them to last for many generations after us. We also care about Hemavan and the collaborations that exists. Here you can read a little more about them.

solen lyser över snötäckta fjäll
added Hemavan Tarnaby

More value

An initiative to create opportunities to reinvest in things that benefit both visitors and locals in Hemavan.

Is this for me as a visitor?

Yes, we believe that you share the love for our mountains,  village and all it has to offer. And that you will visit us again. By paying for "More value", you support the local development at the entire destination Hemavan Tärnaby.

How do I contribute?

By buying selected products and services from "More value" companies, for example: Tärnaby Fjällhotell, ICA Fjällboden, Persson & Co, Hemavans Högfjällshotell, Tunet Hemavan, Hemavans Fjällcenter, Svensk Fastighetsförmedling Hemavan, Kom hem till en ortsbo and Fjälls kitchen.

Where does the money go?

"More value" can fully or partially finance transport within the destination, new events or to strengthen and improve important travel reasons. Visit Hemavan Tärnaby is responsible and decides together with the "More value" companies how the money should be distributed.

Trail license

No trails without local heroes. Buy a trail-license no matter if you use it with snowmobile, for walking or skis. 

By purchasing a trail license you participate in the maintenance of snowmobile trails and safety and security in the mountains. The price includes a trailmap.

ledbevis för skoterleder
Två personer med fiskeredskap påväg till en sjö för att fiska

Fishing license

The fishing rights in Sweden's lakes and watercourses are privately owned and belong to the property owner. To be allowed to fish, a fishing license is required.


The fishing license is a personal agreement between you and the owner of the fishing authorization, which gives you the right to fish for a limited period of time in a certain water area.

In Hemavan Tärnaby, you can fish on mountain lakes in state waters above the cultivation limit, then you need the County Administrative Board's fishing license. In the valleys, there are instead several fisheries conservation areas (FVO) to choose from.

bevis för hållbart arbete med höstlöv i bakgrunden

As a Västerbotten Experience, we build our business on sustainability.
And with Västerbotten's lifestyle and hospitality in focus.


'Always bring a bag for rubbish'

Make it a habit to always bring a bag for rubbish, both yours and others. And always pick up things that don´t  belong in nature. Together we can help. 

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